After the Jam

Hi to anyone who stumble upon this devlog. I wanted to thank all who rated and tried my entry for the jam. A lot of people enjoyed it, a lot of people didn't. That's how it goes I guess? Luckily the people who didn't like the game that much, left a lot of constructive feedback that I wrote down on a document to look at and understand where I want to go with this project after the jam.
One of the thing I want to do is to add all the levels I originally planned. Working solo I didn't manage my time well and ended up not being able to implement and test all the levels. I had a couple more levels ready to implement but the deadline was approaching and I tought to focus instead on making sure my entry was valid and submitted. I tought it was better to submit the build with fewer levels than submit a last minute, possibly broken, one.
I originally planned 15 levels. And I want to implement them all, hoping not to encounter any major roadblock and need to redesign or scrap some. I mean, from what I think is fun and fair and what actually is fun and fair, there's the testing in between. So I might end up scrapping entirely some levels or redesign them in my head to also address some of the feedbacks I got during the jam.
I also planned on some more mechanics used in those levels that I didn't manage to implement in time. One of them is "The Portal"
It's quite straight forward honestly. You enter in one and end up in the linked portal. The portal might require a specific number to enter or might require to not hold a die at all (indicated by the disabled sign).
Here's an example of how I tought it could be used:
- As you can't jump over the obstacle (and even if you could a zapper is there waiting for you), the first step is to throw the Green Die over the obstacle.
- Quickly enter the portal to find yourself on the other side
- Catch the green die mid air before it touches the ground
Of course this is just an idea of how it can be used and it might be used to also punish a player not paying attention. Like in this case:
If the player rushes to the exit without paying attention to the spring, he will be launched to the platform above, without being able to go back down, the only way is to take the portal and go back at the start or checkpoint.
This is just one of the ideas I want to implement after the jam is over. The goal is to get to at least 15 levels. I will consider myself happy if I get to that point, and will see how the game is received and decide if calling it done or keep expanding it (one of the thing I'd like to do is upgrade the graphic to something more polished, sadly I'm no pixel artist so it will take some time I think).
Let me know what you think of this idea and if it fits in the overall design of the game or if I should scrap it or rework it completely :) I always appreciate feedback.
Get Super Dice Boy
Super Dice Boy
Platformer inspired by super meat boy and jump king, with jumping puzzles and obstacles solved throwing dice
Status | In development |
Author | BattlefoxStudio |
Genre | Platformer, Puzzle |
Tags | gmtk2022, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, My First Game Jam, Puzzle-Platformer, rage, rage-game |
More posts
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- Jam Ranking and upcoming Graphics UpgradeJul 27, 2022
- The PostJam Update!Jul 25, 2022
- Local Co-op & Gamepad Support & Additional MechanicsJul 23, 2022
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